Hey there! I'm

Iqbal Firdaus

ESP32 Room Monitoring System

An IoT monitoring system using ESP32 microcontroller, Firebase and Nextjs to monitor multiple patient condition at once.

ReactTailwind CSSFirebaseReact Query

Medium Clone

This project is a simple medium clone that has a feature to add post and comment on the corresponding post like a blog would do. Built on top of Next JS, Tailwind, and Sanity.io. What i learn from this project is how to define a simple type with typescript also getting know nextjs a bit better such as getStaticProps.

NextTailwind CSSSanity.io

Camerazi Redesign

Redesigning Camerazi website provided by papaya coders for internship assignment


Sound Accessories Shop

An e-commerce purchase audio accessories. Features included add, edit, or remove item to/from cart, easily add or edit product listed with sanity desk.

NextTailwind CSS